• Lúčnica Choir
  • Lúčnica Choir

Lúčnica Choir

Saturday 7. 10. o 19:30 h
Slovak Philharmonic Concert Hall

Lúčnica Choir 75th Anniversary Concert


Lúčnica Choir
Elena Matušová – conductor, choirmaster
Lenka Máčiková – soprano
Juraj Kuchar – tenor
Martin Mikuš – bass
Katarína Turnerová – harp
Ján Slávik – cello
Robert Vizvári – double bass
Marek Janko – organ


From the Golden Repertory of the Chorus.
César Franck – Mass in A Major Op. 12

Admission 20, 16, 12 €    Tickets

For long 75 years Lúčnica has been a cultural and social phenomenon, the Lúčnica Chorus being part of the artistic ensemble since its origination in 1948. It is characterized by an advanced singing technique and voice culture. Its performances are highly praised by the expert critique and it is equally successful among the wide audience. Many personalities started their artistic career in the Chorus: Edita Gruberová, Lucia Popp, Magdaléna Blahušiaková, Ľubica Orgonášová, Marta Beňačková, Adriana Kohútková, Štefan Babjak, Ondrej Malachovský and many others. The choir was artistically moulded by its chief choirmasters Štefan Klimo, Peter Hradil and the present leader Elena Matušová. Led by them the choir has received the highest awards at international competitions in Llangollen, Arezzo, Middlesbrough, Montreux, Gorizia, La Valletta, Maribor, Tours, Oskarshamn, Bergen, St. Petersburg, Assisi, Kaunas etc. At international choral festivals and concert tours in China, USA, South Korea, Argentina, Jordan, Israel, Mexico and certainly in majority of European countries the choir became the darling of the audience. In its BMF programme dedicated to the 75th jubilee of Lúčnica, the Chorus will give a cross-section of à cappella works from various styles and periods, as well as a selection of works dedicated to the Chorus by Slovak composers. The concert will be enriched also with a vocal-instrumental work.

Elena Matušová

Elena Matušová

Spevácky zbor Lúčnica

Lúčnica Choir


Kategória: Program 2023


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