Chamber Concert with Music by Vladimír Godár

Sunday 14th October 2018, 4:00 PM
Slovak Philharmonic Small Hall

Chamber Concert with Music by Vladimír Godár


Mucha Quartet
Magdaléna Bajuszová – piano
Agnesa Ferienčíková – harpsichord


Chamber Concert with Music by Vladimír Godár
Ricercar for piano quartet
Talisman for piano trio
Déploration sur la mort de Witold Lutosławski for piano quintet
Music for Martin Šulík for Piano Quintet  p r e m i e r e


Vladimír Godár belongs to groundbreakers and significant representatives of the Slovak music postmodern. In his Ricercar, Talisman, as well as in Déploration… he discusses with the musical past, especially in the form of allusions, musical quotations, referring to the music from the time of Renaissance up to the present day. Polystylistics resulting from this compositional technique comes hand in hand with the multiple meaning of the musical work. In the head of the score of Talisman which has become an iconic piece of music in the course of
time, we can find a motto: “Every man carries within himself a world made up of all that he has seen and loved; and it is to this world that he returns, incessantly, though he may pass through and seem to inhabit a world quite foreign to it.” (François-René de Chateaubriand)


